Joining NOTRA is easy. Simply download the NOTRA Application and print it out. This is a PDF file which requires Adobe Reader. If you do not have it you can download it as well.

Fill out all that is asked as best you can and send it with a check for $15.00 membership dues made payable to:

Chris Pearson
5500 Kenbridge Drive
Highland Heights, OH 44143

I hereby agree to hold Northern Ohio Tripoli, its officers and members harmless to any results created by my actions participating in Prefecture activities. I also agree to abide by all Safety Codes, both National and Local, and to abide with all National requirements that maintain NOTRA as a Prefecture. I also agree to assist to the best of my abilities with local launches and group activities and commit to membership with all serious concern.

By return mail you’ll get a NOTRA membership card. You will receive via e-mail notification of upcoming events, meetings, both local and state-wide launches and news.

TRIPOLI ROCKETRY ASSOCIATION, INC. is the National Organization of Advanced Non-Professional Rocketry. It sprang forth from a small local club to become an international organization and voice of the High-Powered Rocketry Community. While we are free to govern our local club as we see fit, we are pledged, as a Prefecture and by membership, to uphold the goals, direction, codes and ideals of the National Organization. Please check out their WebSite by clicking on the banner above.

If you would like to join the national organization click HERE to be taken to their Application Page.